
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Polo - Game of Princes, Warriors and...?

This beautiful wall painting shows Tang Dynasty courtiers playing polo in 706 AD. It was found on the walls of a prince's tomb, which is a bit gloomy, but the players look so alive! To read a brief blog to see who else played polo and the beginnings of related research and ideas for my current WIP (set in medieval Byzantium) visit Harlequin Historical Authors' Blog

Carol's latest novel, Bound to the Barbarian - the first in a mini-series set in Medieval Byzantium is released this month in the UK.
Here is the Cover Blurb:

Palace Brides - Byzantine Beauties, Claimed by Warriors

Out of her depth and into his arms…

Sold into slavery, maidservant Katerina promised one day to repay the Princess who rescued her. Now that time has come, and Katerina must convince commanding warrior Ashfirth Saxon that she is her royal mistress.

Spending balmy days and long sultry nights with this man make Katerina’s task increasingly impossible. How long will she be able to keep up her deception? And how long before she finds herself willingly bedded by this proud barbarian?

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