I was intrigued to find out that chocolate was so revered by the Aztecs that they used chocolate as both food and currency. Near the end of the XVIII century, Spanish explorers took chocolate back to Spain where it became the Kings' Official Drink in New Spain and Europe. Europeans began preparing chocolate with cream and sugar, creating what we know today as Hot Chocolate.
The first chocolate pots, like that of my heroine (shown above - 1852), were made of sterling silver, and sometimes copper.
Similar to coffee pots, chocolate pots were designed with shorter spouts and did not have filters, though some had holes through the center of the lids for stir sticks. Ceramic chocolate pots gained popularity in the 1890's and 1900's, the leading manufacturer being Limoges, in France. Click on a ceramic pot to see more of these beautiful antique pots by Limoges.

I'm suddenly in the mood for a chocolate party :)
When I was in Rome, we stopped for a chocolate break at the Caffe Greco (founded in 1760) and favourite chocolate house for people like Geothe and Byron.
Properly made hot chocolate is out of this world. And they served it in pots like the ones you show.
Slightly disconcerting were the tourists taking videos of eachother as they drank their chocolate.
They're beautiful. No wonder you are hooked on them. I finished Mustang Wild and looooooved it!! Just starting Bride of Shadow Canyon. You are definitely an author to watch for.
Terrific topic! In some parts of the world, chocolate was still reserved for special occasions or only brought out for good company. Cheerio.
Michelle -- Too funny about the tourists! I am in complete envy of your chocolate house experience :)
Lindsey -- I'm thrilled that you're enjoying my books! THANK YOU!! We’re getting ready to remodel our kitchen, which will have fun little display nooks, and I do believe I’ve convinced my hubby of the necessity of decorative chocolate pots *g*
Kristin-Marie -- Thank you for sharing more chocolate tid-bits! I, for one, cannot wait to wow guests with my new chocolate fancy ware :-)
Chocolate cheers!
Stacey, great interview. So thrilled to see your books, can't wait to read them.
aka Amanda Murphy, Black Diamond Chapter of RWA
I am always in the mood for a chocolate party. I often hold them all by myself. *g* Lovely pots - I adore coffee and teapots and will be on the search for a hot chocolate pot. I have a miniature one, similar to the one with the floral painting.
Thanks for sharing.
Stacey - Fascinating about the chocolate pots. They are lovely! I don't have one, but my sister gave me a chocolate fountain for my birthday. I first saw this at the Harlequin party in Reno/Dallas? And I was hooked. Chocolate is definitely a world-wide staple!
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