Friday, December 19, 2008

The Viscountdown is on! Dec. 20-Jan. 1st

Hi and Happy Holidays,

I just wanted to check in and say that I'm doing a "Twelve Days" day countdown on the Bronwyn Scott blog to celebrate the Jan. 1 release of The Viscount Claims His Bride (hence the Viscountdown). Starting Dec. 20th, I'll be posting one research factoid a day about something from the book, including links to websites and a page number reference in the book where readers can see that fact in action. Come on over and check out the blog site!


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

You are invited:

You are are invited to attend the Annual E-harlequin Open House.
Harlequin Historical will be having an all day party with plenty of door prizes and goodies.

Authors such as :
Nicola Cornick
Julia Justiss
Joanne Rock
Victoria Bylin
Michelle Styles
Annie Burrows
Michelle Willingham
Amanda McCabe
Diane Gaston
Charlene Sands
will be there, ready to answer questions, give hints about upcoming books and generally spread the holiday cheer.
It is not chatting, but simply posting. Please do come and join in!!!

HH December Release:An Improper Aristocrat by Deb Marlowe

Rapscallion! Rake! Wanderer! Adventurer!All accusations that the Earl of Treyford acknowledges with pride. The scandalous son of a disgraced mother, he has no time for the pretty niceties of the ton, nor the simpering debutantes who populate its ballrooms.He has returned to England to aid an "aging" spinster facing an undefined danger. But Miss Latimer's dark and sultry beauty, her fascinating mix of knowledge and innocence, arouse far more than his protective instincts.Can such an improper aristocrat learn to be the true gentleman Miss Latimer deserves?

Read the excerpt

An Improper Aristocrat

HH December Release:The Mistletoe Wager by Christine Merrill

Harry Pennyngton, Earl of Anneslea, is surprised when his estranged wife, Elise, arrives home for Christmas, especially as she is still intent on divorce! The festive house party is in full swing when the guests are snowed in, and Harry and Elise find themselves together beneath the mistletoe.Maybe the magic of Christmas is just what these two need to reignite their love….

Read the excerpt

The Mistletoe Wager is part of the 40% ff Christmas blowout

HH December Release: Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife by Michelle Styles

With the war drums echoing in her ears and the sharp northern light glinting off the sharpened swords, Sela stood with trepidation on the shoreline. The dragon ships full of warriors had come, ready for battle and glory.But it wasn't the threat of conquest that shook Sela to the core. It was the way her heart responded to the proud face and chiseled body of Vikar Hrutson, jaarl, leader of the invading force—and Sela's ex-husband!

Please Note the Book widget -- it has the opening pages, plus the first chapter plus the author's historical note at the end. It is a great way to try the book before you buy!!!!

HH December Release: Her Dark and Dangerous Lord by Anne Herries

Lord Stefan de Montfort is a true rebel—with the scars to prove it. Deemed a mercenary and exiled from England, he now lives by his own rules.When he plucks Englishwoman Anne Melford from the sea and takes her to his château in Normandy, the innocent yet spirited beauty awakens in Stefan a disturbing, forbidden desire. A lady such as Anne could never marry a scoundrel like him—but this dark and dangerous lord is determined to break one last rule and claim her as his bride!

Read the excerpt

HH December release: The Earl's Dilemma by Emily May

James Hargrave, Earl of Arden, urgently needed a wife—and who better than his best friend's sister?He wasn't looking for passion in this marriage of convenience, and plain Kate Honeycourt had been on the shelf for years.Why, then, should she so firmly turn him down? Surely she couldn't be holding out for a love match? Although, curiously, the more he saw of Kate, the more aware he became of her attractions. Maybe love wasn't as impossible as he'd once thought….

Read the Excerpt

Her Montana Man - Cheryl St.John

Protecting people runs through Jonas Black's blood, and Eliza Jane Sutherland is one woman who needs his strong arms around her.

A rugged Montana man, Jonas will guard Eliza from her vile brother-in-law as fiercely as he guards his own heart. But though he can fight her enemies, he can't fight the attraction between them.

Soon Jonas is sure they have a future together—only Eliza hides secrets that could change everything….


Chapter One
Silver Bend, Montana, May 1885

Jonas Black looked up from his ledgers and flipped open his ornately engraved gold pocket watch. Nearly three already. In preparation to leave his desk, he blotted the numbers he'd just tallied, then rubbed his ink-stained fingers on his denim trousers. There was something he did every afternoon at this time.

"Gonna be trouble at the North Star!" The tall stoop-shouldered man who tended bar rapped on Jonas's open office door at the same time as he shouted.

The North Star was the three-story hotel a few doors down, where Jonas and most of his employees lived. Jonas owned the hotel as well as the Silver Star Saloon.

"Tall fella, but not beefy," Quay told him. "He's hollerin' for Mrs. Holmes."

Jonas didn't bother to grab his jacket. He might talk this man into leaving peaceably, but experience had taught him it might take more than a simple please to appeal to an abuser. No call to ruin a perfectly good coat.

He glanced at the holstered Colt hanging on a peg just inside the door, but deliberately walked past and locked the door behind him.

With the shutters open to the warm afternoon sun, the saloon was warm and bright. The freshly scrubbed floors, the two patrons and the woman polishing the top of the mahogany bar barely registered as he strode for the door and out onto the shaded boardwalk.

"Madeline, come out here now! Don't make me come in and get you."

The stranger stood in the street, a sweaty bay tethered to the post in front of the hotel. His tailored black suit was coated with a layer of dust as though he'd been pushing the mare for the better part of a day. In Jonas's book, men who abused horses ranked right up there with men who mistreated women. Jonas had heard Madeline Holmes's story and drew the easy conclusion that this was the man she'd run from before finding refuge in Silver Bend.

"Don't make me come in there and drag you out!" the man shouted.

"Looking for someone?" Jonas called easily.

"Stay outta this, mister. Ain't none of your concern."

Jonas walked several yards toward the hotel. "Well, seems it is my concern since you're standing there hollerin' at the front windows of my establishment. State your business, Mister…"

"Baslow. This your hotel?"

"That it is. Jonas Black's the name. And you are?"

"I'm lookin' to take a woman back with me. I want Madeline Holmes."

"Is she your wife?"

The angry man deepened the scowl on his already craggy face, and his complexion reddened. "Ain't none of your damned business what she is. All you need to know is that she's comin' with me."

"I guess we can leave that up to Maddie, now, can't we?"

At Jonas's familiar use of her name, Baslow turned his whole body toward Jonas and squinted. "What's she to you?"

"A good employee. I'll go tell her you're here and you can ask her directly what she'd like to do."

The man jerked his head toward the saloon Jonas had exited. Quay still stood just outside the doors.

"She's in there?" Baslow shouted. "Whoring?"

Jonas gestured to a brightly painted wooden sign that hung on the outside of the building. "No sportin' women in my establishment. Maddie's one of my housekeepers."

"The hell you say. Madeline!" he roared, stalking toward the saloon.

Jonas frowned at Baslow's belligerent tone and aggressive stance. Eagerness for the man to try to push past him so he'd have reason to restrain him made his fingers tingle and his blood pump.

Instead, Baslow gave him a wide berth, striding to face the open saloon doors.

Casually, Jonas turned and stepped past Quay into the dim interior. This time his gaze sought and found the dark-haired woman who'd stopped polishing the bar and stood in rigid fear, her eyes as wide as saucers, her face pale. "Frank," she said on a dry rasp.

Jonas thought she might have been pretty once, before abuse and fear had added the appearance of more years to her narrow face. Using intimidation, the man had held her in his home and his bed for eight years. Breaking away had taken courage. Following through with her decision to escape would take even more.

"You don't have to be afraid," Jonas assured her. "Quay and I are right here. The whole of Silver Bend would see if he tried to force you away in plain sight. You don't have to go back with him. He can't make you. Tell him you don't want to leave. Make it loud 'n clear so there are witnesses."

Her frightened gaze moved from Jonas to the doorway. He'd seen the same bleak dread on too many faces, and it made his blood boil. "You're free, Maddie. You have a job and can take care of yourself. You don't need him. He has no control over you except what you give him. From here on out you can live your life any way you see fit. It's up to you."

His words took effect, and her expression changed. Madeline Holmes placed the cloth she'd been holding on the bar and, with precise movements, removed her apron, folded it neatly and set it down. She ran her palms over her skirt in a nervous gesture, then straightened and raised her chin. "He can't make me do anything I don't want to, can he?"

"No, he can't."

She walked toward the doors. Jonas followed.

As she stepped out onto the boardwalk, Baslow's severe gaze narrowed on her. His attention sidled over Jonas and Quay before fixing back on her as though the men were irritating flies he intended to swat later. "If you want to bring anything with you, get it now."

Her hands trembled, but with obvious deliberation she hid them in the folds of her skirts. Jonas cheered silently for her brave front.

"I have a job now. And my own room at the hotel," she said, her voice louder than he'd expected, though a slight tremble betrayed her nervousness. "I'm content to stay right here."

Baslow's thunderous expression darkened even more noticeably.

A few citizens had gathered on the boardwalk across the street and were watching the goings-on with interest. Wouldn't be the first time a fight had erupted in front of his place, Jonas thought, his blood pounding with keen awareness, and it wouldn't be the last. He had never minded a good fight to clear the air.

"You choosing a life of whoring over comin' with me?" Baslow bit out between clenched teeth.

Jonas kept his mouth shut. He'd already told the man there weren't any sporting women at his place, and everyone in town knew it. This was Maddie's chance to speak her piece.

"That's what I felt like when I was with you," she said, coming straight to the heart of the matter. "I don't want to live that way anymore. I'm not your wife." Her voice and demeanor showed renewed strength in her decision. "Nobody hits me," she declared. "And I get a fair wage for a day's work. I can take care of myself just fine."

Baslow headed toward Maddie. "I don't know who fed you that hogwash," he said, "but you belong to me, and you'll do as I say."

She backed away.

Jonas met him before he could reach the shade of the boardwalk. "Remember the brother's war, Baslow? It's against the law to keep slaves."

They stood three feet apart. Baslow's right eye twitched with anger. Jonas's palms tingled.

"Get outta my way, mister, before you regret it."

"Can't do that. Maddie's my employee, and I take care of my people."

Baslow lunged toward Jonas. Jonas dodged his first attempt to reach him, spinning with hands locked together to land a blow on the back of the man's neck.

Caught off guard, Baslow fell to his hands and knees in the dirt, losing his hat. Slowly, he shook his head, and then scrambled to his feet to come after Jonas. The fight was on.

The growing crowd pushed forward for a better look.

Energized now, Jonas raised both fists and bent his knees in readiness. Baslow faced him and they squared off, circling in avid concentration. The man's eyes bored into Jonas's with contempt. Jonas studied his stance, his movements, waited to see how he hit. Faster than Jonas anticipated, Baslow landed a blow to Jonas's shoulder that forced him to catch his balance and got him mad. He retaliated with a quick right that landed on the man's jaw with a crack and drew a grunt from his opponent and a murmur from the crowd.

Jonas didn't feel the hits that came next, though he knew one landed against his ribs and another at his temple. Adrenaline lent him strength and numbed the pain. In the minutes that followed he used the reprieve to his advantage, skillfully finding opportunities to put down punches.

Half-a-dozen solid hits later Baslow's lip was bleeding. He had a cut over his left eye, and he was breathing hard. Jonas watched for and found an opportunity, hit his eye again, then positioned all his muscle into landing a blow to his gut.

The man moaned and doubled over, dropping to his knees in the dirt. He glared up at Jonas, one eye red from streaming blood. "You got no right to keep Madeline."

"You're finally right," Jonas answered. "Nobody's got a right to hold her. She's free to leave, she's free to stay." He turned to Maddie, who'd been watching with both hands clasped under her chin. "You want to go?"

She shook her head and released a pent-up breath. "No."

"You sure? 'Cause we don't want any misunder-standin's. You're free to leave any time you want."

"I want to stay."

"There you have it." Jonas's knuckles were stinging now. "Need any more convincing?"

Marshal Haglar parted the crowd and made his way to stand on the brick street a few feet away. He took in both men's appearances. "What in blazes is goin' on here?"

Maddie immediately ran forward to explain what had taken place. When she'd finished, the marshal turned to the spectators. "That how it happened? Anyone see the whole thing?"

Jonas couldn't remember if anyone had been there during the initial exchange of words. He scanned the faces nearby. People had an aversion to getting involved, especially when a dangerous-looking fellow like Baslow glared at them as though daring someone to speak against him.

The marshal eyed the crowd, and one after another, the bystanders glanced at the person beside them and then away. Jonas figured his reputation and position on the town council would have enough sway. He wasn't a troublemaker, but he never ran from a fight, either. He didn't want to put Warren Haglar in a bad position, and the indifference of the locals irritated him.

Townspeople turned as movement caught their attention, and Jonas looked, too. From the opposite boardwalk, a slender woman in a blue-and-white gingham dress and a straw hat held the hem of her skirts above her shoes and stepped down onto the paving bricks. She walked to within four feet of the law officer. An unexpected tremor stabbed at Jonas's belly.

"I saw the entire incident, Marshal," she said. "I saw that man ride up and shout for Mrs. Holmes."

Of course. Jonas's three o'clock obsession. She'd been on the boardwalk the whole time. Eliza Jane Sutherland was rather tall for a woman, and on the rare occasion that she'd been without a hat, he'd seen that her hair was black and glossy in the sunlight. Jonas had never heard her speak more than a one- or two-word greeting, so now her magnificent silky voice, more than the words she spoke, caught and held his attention.

"Mr. Black came out of his establishment and suggested that he—" she pointed to the scowling stranger "—leave." Her bright amber gaze moved to Jonas.

Something in his chest throbbed at the direct look, something ragged and weighty, something more alarming than facing a dozen angry men in the street.

The marshal asked her several questions and she replied directly. Jonas couldn't take his eyes from her.

Every afternoon, rain or shine, Eliza Jane walked to the small tea shop that was a red brick storefront nestled on the corner beside Earl Mobley's tailor shop on the opposite side of the street. Once inside, she seated herself at a table before the front window, where Bonnie Jacobson brought her a china cup and a pot of tea. Most days Jonas observed her ritual from just inside the door of the saloon where she couldn't see him, but occasionally he found a reason to run an errand to the hardware store across the street in time for her arrival.

Once or twice he'd paused on the boardwalk as she passed and tipped his hat. As soon as she'd raised those amber eyes, his heart thudded in his chest and he'd chastised himself. Nothing and no one intimidated Jonas Black.

Apparently the marshal had no problem accepting the true story now that Eliza Jane had verified it, because he turned to Baslow. "Time you moved on."

Baslow shot Maddie a look of seething rage. "You ain't seen the last of me, woman. Don't think your friends can protect you forever."

"Anything happens to Miss Holmes, and we'll know who to look for," the marshal told him. "I'll be wiring the county seat to let 'em know about this disturbance."

Baslow located his hat where it lay in the street. He snatched it up, whacked it against his thigh and settled it on his head before walking toward his horse and untying it. From the clumsy way he mounted, Jonas suspected he was masking a couple of cracked ribs.

Marshal Haglar watched as the man turned his mount away and galloped out of town. "Stay out of sight, but follow him a ways to make sure he's headed home," he told one of the young men who had a horse tethered across the street.

Once Baslow was out of sight and the man he'd sent was tailing him, the marshal approached Maddie.

"Thank you, Marshal," she said.

"I had the easy part," he replied. "Looks like Jonas got the worst of it."

Maddie looked Jonas over, but after noting the onlookers, a tinge of embarrassment stained her cheeks. "Sorry," she said low enough that only Jonas and the marshal could hear.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

December Undone!

Debutante Katherine Malahithe has come to London determined to resist the fortune hunters only interested in her money. Her efforts to appear unattractive successfully ward off most suitors--except for Viscount Maldon, a man who wants to avoid marriage as much as Katherine. The handsome, provoking Viscount becomes an unlikely ally, but can either of them escape the altar when friendship turns to passion...and scandal?

December Mills and Boon Release: Captain Fawley's Innocent Bride

The Captain's Convenient Wife...
Battle-scarred Captain Robert Fawley was under no illusion that women still found him attractive. None would agree to marry him - except, perhaps, Miss Deborah Gillies, a woman so down on her luck that a convenient marriage might help improve her circumstances.
Plain and somwhat shy, Deborah accepted his pragmatic proposal - because she was already halfway to falling in love with him. As remote as Robert was, though, could she ever hope to reach his guarded heart?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mills & Boon Historicals are now e-books

Mills & Boon Historical along with all the other Mills & Boon books are available in e-book format.
This means books like the hugely popular Lords & Ladies series as well as the M&B Historical can be easily downloaded in an Abode format

November HH Release: One Candlelit Christmas

One Candlelit Christmas
Harlequin Historical's Regency Christmas Anthology

Christmas Wedding Wish by Julia Justiss
Disenchanted with empty-headed society debutantes, dashing gentleman Allen Mansfell decides that, if he must marry, he will choose a lady whose mind and heart he'll have to win over—a lady like Miss Meredyth Wellingford. But for Merry, finding true love will take a miracle….
The Rake's Secret Son by Annie Burrows
Before Carleton Tillotson left Nell, the rebellious rake broke her heart. Now he is back, just in time for Christmas, and Nell can't hide her secret any longer—Carleton's the father of her son!Blame It on the Mistletoe by Terri Brisbin
Julia Fairchild has loved Iain MacLerie forever—but the boy she once knew is now a hardened and aloof man. Amid the festivities and warm cheer of yuletide, can Julia melt Iain's guard and ignite the spark that continues to burn between them…?

Read the excerpt

One Candlelit Christmas

November HH Release: The Borrowed Bride by Elizabeth Lane

The Borrowed Bride
We're going to have a child. You need to come home so we can get married."So wrote Hannah Gustavson to her childhood sweetheart, the father of her baby. But with no response, she was forced to marry another man…her lover's brother.Tall, handsome and honorable, Judd Seavers could make any woman's heart race. Hannah was no exception, and she was awed by the ex-soldier who gave her his name.A forbidden love as grand as the Rockies crested between them. But a shadow loomed. Would the baby's father come home? And if he did, would Judd return his borrowed bride?

Read the excerpt

November HH Release: Untouched Mistress by Margaret McPhee

Untouched Mistress
Guy Tregellas, Viscount Varington, has a rakish reputation, and when he discovers a beautiful woman washed up on a beach he is more than intrigued. He doesn't believe her claims that she is a respectable widow and is determined to seduce the truth out of her!Helena McGregor must escape Scotland to anonymity in London. For the past five years she has lived a shameful life, not of her choosing. But she needs the help of her disturbingly handsome rescuer as danger catches up with them….

Read the excerpt

November HH Release: Her Warrior Slave by Michelle WIllingham

Her Warrior Slave
Kieran Ó Brannon is no ordinary slave—defiant, daring and dangerous, he is untamable! Iseult MacFergus is drawn to this powerful man with the strength of a warrior and the honor of a king. She trusts him to help find her lost child….Kieran sold himself into slavery to save his brother's life, but Iseult, with the face of an angel, gives him hope that he can again be a free man. Determined to find her child, Kieran may finally have his freedom—although now his heart is tied to Iseult's forever….

Read the excerpt

Linked to The Viking's Forbidden Love-Slave -- one of the launch books for Historical Undone

November HH Release: A Less than Perfect Lady by Elizabeth Beacon

A Less Than Perfect Lady
At seventeen, Miranda Braxton shocked the world by eloping with her brother's tutor. Now a wiser and widowed lady, she returns to Carnwood—and finds herself engaged in a battle of wits with the new earl.Kit Alstone, Earl of Carnwood, grew up on the streets. His gentlemanly demeanor conceals an adventurer's heart. Miranda's bravery and beauty would tempt a saint—and Kit is far from that. Soon Kit begins to wonder if a scandalous lord might ask for nothing better than a less than perfect countess!

Read the excerpt

November HH Release: A Scoundrel of Consequence by Helen Dickson

A Scoundrel of Consequence
William Lampard, distinguished military captain, kept London abuzz with scandal. Against his better judgment, he made a wager to seduce Miss Cassandra Greenwood. But despite her provocative ways, and the impudent sway of her skirts, he quickly realized that her innocence and goodness put her above a mere dalliance.Should Cassandra believe the gossip? She knew she had spiked William's interest, but to get to know the infamous captain properly would be dangerous— and exciting. And therein lay his appeal…!

Read the excerpt

Friday, October 31, 2008

Virtual tour for Undone Shorts starts today!

We're so excited! The virtual tour for Undone Shorts (e-book historicals) starts today with our guest blogging appearance at Greyhaus. One lucky visitor will win a coupon to download one of the four November releases. Come check us out! Blogs from Nicola Cornick, Ammanda McCabe, Bronwyn Scott and Michelle Willingham will be appearing throughout the dark. We're discussing tips for writing dark moments and dark heroes along with imparting a tantalizing glimpse into each of our November e-books. Here's the link so you can check us out with ease
See you there!
Bronwyn Scott

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Virtual tour for undone shorts to start Halloween!

Hi All,
I hope everyone is counting the days until the undone shorts on e-book kick off. All four of us in the November releases will be on virtual tour all month starting Halloween (Oct. 31) at Greyhaus literary agency. Check us out!

Friday, October 03, 2008

HH October Release: The Magic of Christmas

The Magic of Christmas
This year's Harlequin Historical Western Christmas Anthology! Last year's garnered two Rita finalists. And this year, the novellas are just as full of Christmas romance as ever.
A Christmas Child by Carolyn Davidson
Marianne Winters has no one in the world but her baby brother and, with Christmas approaching, she needs somewhere warm to stay. Will she find her home, and a loving heart, with the lonely pastor, David McDermott?
The Christmas Dove by Victoria Bylin
Maddie Cutler once snubbed bad boy Dylan McCall, but with nowhere else to turn she has come back to town—with a babe in arms. Dylan is a reformed man, and on seeing Maddie again he longs to heal her hurt—and claim her once and for all!
A Baby Blue Christmas by Cheryl St.John
Turner Price hasn't been the same since he lost his wife and child. But when he finds a young woman and newborn twin babies in his stable, he realizes this may be his second chance to be a loving husband and father, just in time for Christmas!

Read the excerpt

The Magic of Christmas

HH October Release: Scandalizing the Ton by Diane Gaston

Scandalizing the Ton
Lady Wexin, once the Ton's foremost beauty, has been abandoned by her family and friends, and creditors hound her. Her husband's scandalous death has left her impoverished, and the gossip-mongering press is whipped into a frenzy of speculation when it becomes clear the widow is with child. Who is the father? Only one man knows: Adrian Pomroy, Viscount Cavanley. He has cultivated the reputation of a rake, but in truth yearns for something useful to do. Delicate beauty Lydia Wexin could pose an intriguing—and stimulating—challenge….

Read the excerpt

HH October Release: Hallowe'en Husbands

Hallowe'en Husbands
Marriage at Morrow Creek by Lisa Plumley

The only thing Rose Tillson ever wanted was a life of travel beneath the Western stars—and to marry secret sweetheart Will Gavigan! All Rose needs is a small dose of Hallowe'en magic to make Will realize she's the girl of his dreams….

Wedding at Warehaven by Denise Lynn

When Brigit of Warehaven casts a simple spell to reveal her true love's identity, she never expects to wed him that same night! But until the mischievous trickeries of All Hallows' Eve are over, Randall FitzHenry cannot truly claim his bride's heart….

Master Master of Penlowen by Christine Merrill

Arabella Scott cannot decide whether she's been saved or abducted when she is rescued from highwaymen by a darkly brooding stranger. In his eerily cold, dilapidated home, she has no choice but to trust her cavalry officer rescuer.

Read the excerpt

HH October Release: The Dark Viscount by Deborah SImmons

The Dark Viscount
Thunder claps, lightning strikes and her imposing new mansion looms high, but Miss Marchant is not one to be afraid. Not willful, beautiful Sydony Marchant. If the house doesn't shock her, the arrival of Viscount Hawthorne does. No longer the boy she once kissed—Bartholomew is a man with a ruthless glint in his eye. He's here to uncover a truth and ruin Sydony. But they are soon entangled in secrets darker than they know. And as the tension crackles between them, the memory of their innocent kiss is no longer enough….

Read the excerpt

HH October Release: Tamed by the Barbarian by June Francis

Tamed by the Barbarian
A Stolen Kiss…Cicely Milburn has no intention of marrying anyone, let alone a Scottish barbarian! But when Lord Rory Mackillin rescues her from a treacherous attack she reluctantly accepts his help—even though his kisses trouble her dreams.An Honorable Barbarian…The Border Reiver is determined to guard his charge on their journey through war-torn England. Yet he cannot shield his own heart from Cicely's beauty and bravery—especially when the only honorable way to protect her is to marry her!

Read the excerpt

HH October Release: Lady Gwendolen Investigates by Anne Ashley

Lady Gwendolen Investigates
Elegant yet feisty, well traveled yet innocent to the world, beautiful yet modest—prying into others' lives isn't for Lady Gwendolen Warrender. Until murder and mayhem come to Marsden Wood!And every good sleuth needs a partner. Who better than dashing master of the manor Jocelyn Northbridge? With his touch of arrogance, intelligent eyes and brooding chivalry, she knows he'll make the perfect accomplice. But soon the renowned bachelor has more than solving murder in mind.It seems Gwendolen may have uncovered her very own marriage proposal!

Read the excerpt