Afternoon Adventure
Chapter Ten ~by Elaine Golden
had made it some considerable distance into the tunnel before she realized that
it was already occupied. What should have been a darkened cavern was aglow in
rushlight and the sound of unintelligible male voices rumbled from around the
bend ahead.
was this? The tunnel shouldn’t be in use, shouldn’t be known by anyone in the
vicinity so far as she knew. Years ago, when her husband had shown her the
hidden entryway, it had been filled with nothing more than cobwebs and
stagnant, musty air. It had been merely the curious remnant of a bygone era and
ancestor, crafted to ensure the owners of Ambleforth Manor (or some hapless
Catholic priest) had an escape route should the need arise.
that Jim-Bob highwayman set up a smuggler’s den in her secret passageway? Well,
that wouldn’t do at all!
grim determination, she started forward and then abruptly halted as she
recalled Lord Torquil’s intimation that there was a French spy operating in the
area. Somehow, that seemed ever much more sinister than a mere brandy-runner’s
operation. Because everyone knew that brandy was l’eau de vie –the water of life –and there wasn’t a drawing room in
England that didn’t continue to serve it, trade embargo against Napoleon
notwithstanding. So, really, smugglers were serving the common good, at least
to Araminta’s way of thinking.
she at least try to determine what nefarious activity was taking place or
should she trust that Lord Torquil’s fishmonger tale wasn’t the mad fiction is
seemed and seize the chance to slip away and alert the others? Oh, and where
had she lost her pretty parasol? Even as filthy and tattered as her dress now
was, it would at least have served as some sort of weapon to defend herself
should the need arise… again.
was always the case, curiosity got the better of Araminta, and she tiptoed
further until she could peer around the sharp bend. Then nearly gasped aloud
and revealed herself.
a dozen men were sprawled about, some playing cards or chatting, some eating,
and some apparently trying to sleep atop the wooden crates that lined the
corridor. And, now that she could make out that they spoke to each other in
French (and there were no telltale barrels of brandy lying about) it seemed
she’d found the spy. Or spies, as the case may be.
dear me. Now, what’s to be done about this?”
spun around, heart racing and eyes wide. How could he move so quietly?
Hodges! How did you --? There’s a –“ She vocalized her jumbled thoughts even as
the truth dawned. It was inconceivable that the curate could have simply
stumbled upon the tunnel. He had to have known it was here, had to have a
reason to be here now, which meant…
snorted as if it were all so very obvious and mopped his brow, the well-used
handkerchief now as muddy as his coat from his tumble in the ditch.
you’re the French spy?” Really, it didn’t seem at all possible. Why, Mr. Hodges
seemed as British as Yorkshire pudding. Was the ineptitude merely an act?
no, indeed.” He moved closer, filling the tunnel with his portentous self, and
Araminta began to fear that she would be unable to slip by. She was well and
truly trapped. “I’m just along for the coin, shall we say. I’m done with
coddling helpless souls and living a threadbare existence.”
gasped, outrage overtaking the feeling of alarm. What a selfish, hateful man. He
didn’t deserve his loving, devoted congregation. She would take up the task to
see him dismissed as curate the very moment she arrived home!
“Qu’est-ce que c’est?” murmured a deep
voice behind her and she turned to find that the occupants of the tunnel had
noticed their presence and drawn close. Thankfully, they merely peered at her
in curiosity, not as if they’d skewer her for stumbling upon their nest of
it would seem she was a veritable lech today. For, in truth, they were all very
young and virile and… oh, my! She blinked then blinked again. They all looked
alike, as if they were brothers, and most considerably like–.“
Grace! There you are!” Hodges said as he stepped aside to reveal the Duke of
Dashing in all of his now dusty finery, hair a mess and brow furrowed in
annoyance as he looked from Araminta to the cluster of men behind her and back
to Araminta. He sighed heavily.

Elaine Golden is the author of The Fortney Follies series. Links and other details can be found on her website (
Come back tomorrow for the next installment of Lady Ambleforth's Afternoon Adventure!
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Sigh. It's been several chapters since we had a detailed description of a semi nekkid man. I mean the story line is getting intriguing but surely a couple of the French cousins could have discarded their shirts or at least had them undone to reveal manly chests. It's 11pm at night in the antipodes and I don't drink caffeine.
LOL --sorry I missed the opportunity for a little more nekkidness. BUT, we are not yet done with the cousins, so who knows? ;)
So glad you're enjoying the story!
I guess we'll just have to use our imaginations. :)
So many men for Araminta to choose from -- lots left for us, LOL.
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