However, I had not reckoned on Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson’s incredible voyage through the Mediterranean in 1798 as he desperately tracked Napoleon’s fleet in a game of hide and seek that began at Gibraltar on May 25th and culminated at the Battle of the Nile off the coast of Egypt on August 1st.
The search was critical to the British. Napoleon was somewhere in the Mediterranean with a large fleet and no-one knew where he would strike – the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily, Greece, Gibraltar which was the last British outpost or Egypt, putting in peril vital trade links with India.
After a frantic search, including missing the French off the Egyptian coast by 25 hours, Nelson, on board his flagship HMS Vanguard, led the fleet into Syracuse on the coast of Sicily on July 21st. The authorities were nervous about admitting the fleet, causing Nelson to rant in dispatches to the Admiralty, but, thanks to the intervention of his friend Sir William Hamilton (his wife Emma famously became Nelson’s mistress) who had influence with the King of Naples, they were finally accommodated. (The picture above shows part of the harbour.)
I discovered this when our guide, standing in front of the fabulous cathedral in the Piazza Duomo, mentioned casually that the Palazzo Beneventano del Bosco (below right) behind us was where Nelson had stayed while the fleet was taking on water and provisions.
Then the guide took us down almost to the edge of the sea and the beautiful and sacred Spring of Arethusa where fresh water has bubbled up for millennia. This is where the fleet filled its water barrels and Nelson wrote to the Hamiltons –
My dear Friends,
Thanks to your exertions, we have victualled and watered: and surely watering at the Fountain of Arethusa, we must have victory. We shall sail with the first breeze, and be assured I will return either crowned with laurel, or covered with cypress.
Nelson led his fleet out again on the 25th July, the day after Napoleon had entered Cairo after triumphing at the Battle of the Pyramids. Still with no clue as to where his enemy was, Nelson headed for Cyprus and, by a stroke of luck Captain Troubridge diverted to the Greek coast, captured a French wine brig and spoke to a Turkish official who had news of the French fleet. Still with the wine brig in tow (obviously a man after my own heart!) Troubridge brought Nelson the news.
On August 1st the British fleet met the French in Aboukir Bay, stunned them by engaging immediately despite the lateness of the hour and the battle raged into the night. At 8pm Nelson was wounded in the head but refused to retire to his cabin. Finally the last French ship surrendered late on August 2nd.
The news reached Napoleon on August 13th. His secretary wrote “The catastrophe of Aboukir came like a thunderbolt on the General in Chief.” It was a year before the French finally left Egypt but the trade routes to the East had been saved for the British. After a successful land battle against Ottoman troops at, ironically, Aboukir in August 1799, Napoleon returned to France and seized power.
Syracuse was our last port of call of the holiday so we couldn’t linger and soak up the atmosphere but it has inspired me to seek out another holiday following Nelson’s campaigns in the Mediterranean. Can anyone recommend some equally inspiring locations?
Louise Allen
Fascinating stuff, Louise, what a wonderful place and an exciting story! Just shows that history is all around us, just waiting to be discovered (although I think I would prefer the sunny Mediterranean to chilly Britain at the moment!)
Hopefully your husband enjoyed the wine enough to make up for such a dull day. lol
What about you tell your husband that you can't make up your minde between going back to the Med and the sunshine and the delicious food and wine, or retracing Johnson and Boswell's tour of the icy cold Hebrides?
Fab post and lovely pics too, and I be the food was delicious.
Thanks for an awesome post. :)
Fascinating post. It is always amazing when you discover a little tiny fact and it leads to a whole story.
The Hamiltons were definately in Sorrento. I can't remember if Nelson was there as well. The Hotel Trassemino was a popular destination for many 19th century travellers but they had a villa close by.
I can thoroughly reccomend Sorrento.
Of course you could always follow in Byron's footsteps and go to Venice and Greece. There are a lot of places to choose from.
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