Falling in love is what Harlequin Historical romance is all about because love is timeless. From Roman gladiator, Chinese Xi-an warriors and hardened Vikings to Roguish rakes, Western gunslingers and sophisticated aristocrats, whatever your pleasure in heroes, Harlequin Historical has it covered. To give you the chance to fall in love (again) with Harlequin Historical, some of the Harlequin Historical Authors have got together to offer a wealth of signed books.
you can win here:
1 Signed copy of Hattie Wilkinson Meets Her Match by Michelle Styles (or backlist book if winner prefers)
1 Signed copy of Carole Mortimer's latest Some Like It Wicked
1 Annie Burrows signed copy of Gift Wrapped Governess
1 complete signed set of Diane Gaston's Soldier series includes: Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy; Chivalrous Captain, Rebel Mistress; Gallant Officer, Forbidden Lady
1 signed copy of Ravished by the Rake by Louise Allen
1 signed copy of A Most Unconventional Match by Julia Justiss
1 copy of The Gamekeepers Lady by Ann Lethbridge (ebook or print -- winner's choice)
1 ebook copy of one of Barbara Monajem's Undones (winner's choice)
1 signed copy of The Duchess Hunt by Elizabeth Beacon
to : International (ie everyone!)
to enter: Click below to see the rafflecopter entry form. There are multiple ways to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you can't see the rafflecopter entry form. Go here for it
As Rafflecopter seems to be erratic for some people (other people are not having a problem), if you leave a comment to that effect, I will make sure your name goes in the draw for one entry -- Michelle Styles
Great contest. Thanks'
debby236 at gmail dot com
i love harlequin historical :)
thx u for the giveaway...
Middle ages, also 18th and 19th century.
Thanks for making it international, I really appreciate that! :)
The 19 century. Thanks for the contest.
Who doesn't love harlequin books??!! Fabulous contest. but raflecopter didn't like me and didn't me want to do any of the tasks... I hope this is temporary.
tessa dot bamberg at kolumbus dot fi
Victorian age is my favorite historical time period. I also like middle age :D
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Rafflecopter isnt working :(. Id have to say the Queen Anne period is a fav era of mine. Its not written about very much. Mind you I do have a soft spot for a viking and Highlander! perhaps even a rake!
I love all them all! Thanks for the giveaway!
I enjoy all different time periods, but if I had to choose one, I'd pick the regency period.
Two of my favorites Hatlequin and Historical Romances, love both 18th and 19th.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
I enjoy the 1880's time period the most. angadair@nwcable dot net
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a wonderful giveaway! I love Harlequin Authors!
I love the Medieval period!!
Julie K
Definately Midievil tomes the best .
Definately Mideivel times the best
What a great Blog Hop. thank you!
I love reading about Regency and Highlanders.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I enjoy Mideivel and Regency times. Thanks for chance to win :)
My favorite era in history is the mid to late 1800′s. I feel as though I could set my birth date back 100 years and not lose my stride. So much occurred during a relatively short period of time. Changes to technology, transportation, communications, social mores, religion, fashions, science and medicine, literature, art and entertainment. The American Civil War and its long-lasting aftereffects. The glory and grit of the American Old West. A very rich and revolutionary period in history.
Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!!!
I've been reading a lot of Regency titles -- but I also like turn-of-the-century stories.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love reading regency romance! Thank you for the amazing giveaway :)
Awesome contest! Such a great selection of authors/books. I love Victorian England. :)
the 18th and 19th century are good. Also prehistoric is interesting. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love anything historical especially middle ages, regency, medieval and victorian.
Thanks for the chance to win!!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
Medieval and Regency eras are my favs but I also enjoy Renaissance and Victorian settings.
Regency, but also Victorian and the Scottish Highlands.
thank you a lot for opening this to interbnational!
i'm not sure yet which period is my favourite because i'm still quite new to the genre but perhaps medieval
Thanks for the giveaway!
Regency, Victorian, Viking, i love all of them :)
I like the middle ages and regency period.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com
I love the kind of historical romances that involve Scottish Highlanders. I'm also partial to a Viking story.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
Hmm, I don't think I have a special preferences. I love them all :)
I'd say my favorite time period is the 18th century, but I like them all! Thanks for the giveaway!
bookliaison (AT)yahoo(DOT)com
I think I would have to say the Victorian time period. Any point in history where women wore beautiful, long dresses and men knew how to be true gentlemen.
Scotland 1200-1600
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
I love Regency or Victorian
Thanks for the giveaway
I like Victorian and Medieval best, I I'll read almost any historical romance that's set before the 20th century.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I appreciate all time periods! So I'll just say hi :) and thank you for such an amazing giveaway!
Honestly, anything with floofy dresses and broad-chested men works very well for me. ;)
I love Regency & Victorian eras.
It's so hard to decide.
My Favorites are Vikings, Scots, Victorian Era.
Thanks for giveaway & making it INT.
Adila (from Azerbaijan)
i like the victorian era - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Rafflecopter is not working for me. I love the medieval period, but I enjoy most anything. Thx for the great giveaway.
blinkysthebest at aol dot com
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