Afternoon Adventure
Chapter Four ~by Elaine Golden
With a little
sniff of annoyance they were sure to ignore as well, Araminta set off again at
a brisk pace. Sadly, it took only a few strides for them to catch up. Mr.
Hodges continued to make a show of dabbing his brow while Lord Torquil talked
and talked, about nothing so much as himself. Maybe the D stood for Discourse.
“I say, perhaps we should pause at the mill
so Lady Ambleforth may take a bit of shade,” said Mr. Hodges with feigned
concern. He was beginning to huff and turn the alarming shade of boiled
“I assure you, I’m quite content to
continue on. However, should you desire the opportunity to rest…”
“Yes, do rest, Mr. Hodges. We shouldn’t
want you to take ill and miss the service this
Sunday.” Lord Torquil’s smirk
suggested the opposite.
But Araminta was distracted and no longer
paying them much attention. As they drew near the large stone edifice of the
flour mill, she realized that something was amiss. Normally, this was a site of
much industry. Today, it stood eerily quiet (her companions’ bickering aside),
and it took a moment to realize why: the massive waterwheel wasn’t turning. The
door of the miller’s cottage was open, and a saddled horse grazed idly in the
yard beside.
How strange. Araminta paused in the lane in
indecision. Should they investigate further? What if someone was hurt and
needed assistance?
A shout drew their attention to the
waterline where the miller, Mr. Probey, stood waist deep in the river,
gesticulating wildly and pointing to a large wooden pole that appeared to be
wedged in the base of the wheel. Then he leaned forward, straining for

The faint creak of wood precipitated more
shouting and straining. Then, with a long, violent shudder and a metallic
shriek, the wheel began to move with all of the speed of a bed-bound
octogenarian suddenly determined to walk. The once placid gelding took
exception to the noise, reared, and thundered away.
The miller sloshed out of the way, laughing,
and a moment later the water broke as another man surfaced beside him. A naked man. Or, at least partially naked, because all that
Araminta could see at the moment was his chest, but –oh, my! Wasn’t that a
sight to see? Lord Ambleforth had never displayed muscles quite like that.
She wasn’t sure how long she stood there
ogling that fine specimen. She was certain, though, that the only reason she stopped doing so was because someone
slapped their hands over her eyes to block the sight. She’d have wagered
beforehand such action would be from Mr. Hodges, but she’d have been wrong. The
D likely stood for Disappointing, then.
“What, ho!” called the curate some distance
ahead while she tried unsuccessfully to remove Lord Torquil’s hands. “Sir Ed,
is that you?”
paused. Sir Edgar Deppity? As the new owner of the mill (and many other
businesses in town), it made sense that Sir Ed should be involved in restoring
operations, but she hadn’t recognized him. Of course, she’d only met him that
one time and, admittedly, she hadn’t been precisely looking at his face a
moment ago…
Mr. Hodges. How do you do, sir?”
put something on, sir! Lady Ambleforth is in our company. Surely you didn’t
remove all of your articles of clothing… ah, but I see I was mistaken. It’s the
middle of the day, sir!”
dear. He really had been naked. Was naked. Lord Torquil tightened his grip and
held firm, despite Araminta’s attempts to see what the rest of Sir Ed Deppity might look like wearing nothing but water
droplets in the sunshine.
right,” said Sir Ed in a husky voice that sent little shivers down her spine,
and the restraints fell away, revealing him in his fully garbed glory. As tall
as Lord Torquil, his brown eyes glinted with amusement, as if he knew precisely
what she’d just been imagining. His curly brown hair was tamed when wet and
clung to his skill, accentuating his high brow and cheekbones. “What brings you
by this fine day, my lady?”
she said with a smile and as much nonchalance as she could muster. “My
carriage broke down and it seemed a fine day to walk home. The gentlemen are
determined to escort me.”
see.” Sir Ed glanced at the now empty field beside the miller’s cottage then
eyed her companions as if sizing them up. “Do you mind if I join you, then? I
seem to have lost my mount in the proceedings. No doubt he’s enjoying a fine
bit of feed corn while the stable lads make bets on what’s befallen me.”
did all of the men in the neighbourhood pick today to descend? The walk home had
seemed a splendid idea when she had thought she’d be alone to enjoy the
leisurely stroll.
fascinating as the naked flesh and water display had been –and she was certain
she’d spend some time recalling it this evening when she was alone –Araminta
was not pleased for more company. But, as the well-bred peeress her mother had
raised her to be, she smiled and inclined her head in acquiescence.
she could tolerate the three of them without losing all sense of decorum for
the remainder of the journey?
Elaine Golden is the author of The Fortney Follies series. Links and other details can be found on her website (
Come back tomorrow for the next installment of Lady Ambleforth's Afternoon Adventure!
And don't forget to enter the Harlequin Historical Summer Giveaway, which continues till June 28th with daily contests and a grand prize. The calendar is here.
Oh,yes, Elaine! Nothing like a naked man to grab our attention.
Well done on your story.
Ooh... naked man....
I'm so jealous Elaine - you thought up a naked man, and all I came up with was a portly curate. Why didn't I think of a naked man for my chapter?
He's rather gorgeous... Holding onto edge of desk & panting slightly
Thanks, guys! I couldn't resist.
Sometimes writing it a bit like gifting --they say, if in doubt, give a gift you'd like to receive. So, when I wrote this scene I wondered, if I were Araminta, what would I like to discover on the long walk home?
A naked man, of course. Who wouldn't? Heh.
More adventures on the way, so be sure to check for tomorrow's chapter!
LOL. Awesome choice of pics, Elaine. I'll remember that bit about gifting. What a great way to speed up a slow writing day! :~))
Great blog, I love the pictures.
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